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Slide show
Caricamento in corso....
Agritur Al Molin
Fam Facchinelli
Via Lagorai n° 3/a
38033 Cavalese TN
Cell. 333.6748126


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  Rooms Reservation
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Security code * Repeat the code


NB: In filling in this form you are authorising the Agritur Al Molin to use your information in data elaboration according to the Italian law 196/03 and art. 13 Regolamento UE n. 2016/679 (GDPR) regarding handling of personal information. Data inserted will be used whilst guaranteeing the maximum discretion and safety of the person involved.
Yes, I accept the conditions and give my consent.


* compulsory

Agritur Al Molin - Room 1
Agritur Al Molin - Room 2
Agritur Al Molin - Room 3
Agritur Al Molin - Room 1a
Agritur Al Molin - Room 2a
Agritur Al Molin - Room 3a

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